The Great American Think
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Thinking is hard, being is easy
Ezgi Sorman
Ezgi Sorman
Day 21

Ezgi Sorman is a life transition expert and the founder of My Bliss and Balance Wellness Programs for the Modern Soul. Ezgi brings to her work ten years of experience in financial advising and wellness consulting, as well as extensive experience in personal transition. She is a Chopra Center Certified Meditation Instructor, as well as a long-standing affiliate of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

Ezgi is also the creator of the Members Only Guided Meditation Call Circle. Whether working with Ezgi one-on-one, taking part in one of her seminars, or joining her calls, each participant receives Ezgi's gifts of deep knowledge, compassion, and open-heartedness. She is dedicated to making the world a better place by promoting individual authenticity, silence of the mind, and the belief that we always have all the time in the world to start over again, to give our life another chance.

Deepak Chopra has called her "A passionate, devoted, generous leader" and has engaged her in helping the Alliance for a New Humanity, an organization founded in 2005, in creating communities and groups that are evolving through personal transformation, service, and connectivity.

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